Selamat sore teman-teman. Lanjut posting lagi nih. Sudah lama cah kudus belum menambahkan postingan ke kategoti Twitter. Kebetulan beberapa hari yang lalu saya mengalami kejadian yang menarik, sekalian mau berbagi pengalaman, Penasaran? Lanjutkan cah ☺
Pada tanggal 10 mei 2013 sekitar jam 10 malam, saya lagi asyik nge-tweet. Awalnya saya iseng-iseng melihat trending topic twitter ini :
Kemudian saya ingin share tweet yang akan saya posting ke facebook menggunakan aplikasi Twitter for Facebook. Tweetnya muncul di akun twitter saya, tetapi saya cek di wall facebook ternyata tidak muncul. Beberapa menit kemudian saya kembali ke halaman twitter, tiba-tiba muncul pemberitahuan → Akun Anda (@yudacorp) sedang ditangguhkan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silakan kunjungi Akun yang Ditangguhkan.
Wow ada apa ini kok tiba-tiba ada kejadian seperti ini. Mau mention teman tidak bisa, membuka twitternya teman yang diprotect (padahal sudah menjadi followersnya), pokoknya aktivitas di akun twitter sendiri menjadi terbatas. Tanpa panjang lebar saya langsung klik link Akun yang Ditangguhkan (Suspended). Berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang saya lakukan untuk Mengatasi/ Mengembalikan Akun Twitter yang DiTangguhkan/ Suspended :
Alhamdulillah, akun twitter saya bisa pulih. Sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat. Share ke teman-teman yang lain ya. Jika teman-teman mempunyai pengalaman seperti yang sudah saya ceritakan diatas atau punya cara lain untuk mengatasi akun twitter yang ditangguhkan/ suspended, share di kotak komentar ya. Terima kasih ☺
Kemudian saya ingin share tweet yang akan saya posting ke facebook menggunakan aplikasi Twitter for Facebook. Tweetnya muncul di akun twitter saya, tetapi saya cek di wall facebook ternyata tidak muncul. Beberapa menit kemudian saya kembali ke halaman twitter, tiba-tiba muncul pemberitahuan → Akun Anda (@yudacorp) sedang ditangguhkan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silakan kunjungi Akun yang Ditangguhkan.
- Silakan menuju ke → Twitter Help Center
- Isi form yang telah tersedia. Berikut adalah rinciannya :
- Regarding : Suspended account
- Subject : account suspended
- Description of problem : Dear twitter, exposed to suspend my account. and I apologize if I am wrong in using twitter. but I do not understand what the error to my account suspended. help me so that my account could be in use again, because this account is the account belongs to the community. thanks very much.
- Full Name : Isi nama Anda
- Twitt username : @usernameAnda
- Email address : isi email yang Anda gunakan untuk login twitter
- Phone number (optional) : isi nomor ponsel Anda (Boleh tidak diisi)
- Klik Submit. Nanti muncul pemberitahuan seperti ini :Thanks! Your request has been submitted to Twitter. We are usually able to respond within a few days, but some issues may take longer. Please check your email inbox from Twitter Support. If you don't see one, try checking your email's spam and trash folders.
- Silakan cek email Anda, nanti ada email dari Twitter Support - update on "account suspended. Isinya seperti ini :Hello, We understand that you're contesting an account suspension. Please be sure to read this entire email; you will need to take further action in order to reopen your ticket and trigger a review of your account. Twitter suspends accounts for a variety of reasons :
- If your account was suspended for aggressive following behavior, you should have received an email notification to the address associated with your Twitter account. You'll need to confirm that you've removed all prohibited following automation from your account, and will stop any manual aggressive following behavior. To expedite your appeal process, please review our Best Practices page if you haven't already, and then reply to this ticket with a confirmation that you understand our policies and will not engage in any prohibited following behavior.
- Please take a minute to review the Twitter Rules.
- If you received an email from saying 'you're being suspended' or that we're going delete your account, you're safe; the email is fake. More information here
- While we strive to avoid mistakes, it's also possible that your account was suspended in error. If after reviewing the Rules, you have no idea why your account was suspended, just reply to this email indicating as much, and we'll take another look at your case. Our apologies if the error turns out to be ours.
- Balas email tersebut, isinya seperti ini :I confirmation, that I understand our policies and will not engage in any prohibited following behaviour. I have integrated Twitter with my Facebook account and created some updates with some test links. If this has caused the suspension, please accept my apologies. We will not Tweet many links in the future, but use the account to update Followers. I have read your guidelines today and I can't see an obvious reason why my account has been suspended. The account is important to me and it is for a very good cause. In any case, I will not engage in any prohibited following behaviour in the future. I have a lot of great things to communicate and I am an enthusiastic Twitter user and Follower. It would be very helpful to have our account back at the soonest possible. Many thanks in advance.
- Nanti akan ada email balasan dari Twitter, isi pesannya seperti ini :Hello, Twitter has automated systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk. Unfortunately, it looks like your account got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake. I've restored your account; sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal. Thanks, gobeee
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